
1:Use multi-arg instead

【不要使用一连串的 arg().arg().arg() 了】

QString("%1 %2").arg(a).arg(b); // Bad
QString("%1 %2").arg(a, b); // one less temporary heap allocation

2:parameter 'list' is passed by value and only copied once; consider moving it to avoid unnecessary copies

【多使用右值引用,可以通过 std::move 将参数转化为右值引用】

ChartWidget::ChartWidget(QWidget *parent,QList<int> list) : QWidget(parent), l(list), delt(1.0)
} // Bad
ChartWidget::ChartWidget(QWidget *parent,QList<int> list) : QWidget(parent), l(std::move(list)), delt(1.0)
} // performance unnecessary value param

3:the parameter 'table_string' is copied for each invocation but only used as a const reference; consider making it a const reference

【定义函数时,多使用 const &】

void LogData::setupMatrixCam2Veh(QString table_string) // Bad
void LogData::setupMatrixCam2Veh(const QString& table_string)
// performance unnecessary value param

4:constructor does not initialize these fields

【不要忘记初始化类的变量,在头文件的变量旁添加 {} 就可以了】

QToolButton *resetButton; // Bad
QToolButton *resetButton{}; // cppcoreguidelines pro type member init

5:use auto when initializing with new to avoid duplicating the type name

【多用auto关键字,尽量使用更现代化的方式来 new】

QHBoxLayout *hl = new QHBoxLayout; // Bad
auto hl = new QHBoxLayout; // modernize use auto

